Does pain in your joints have you wondering if it could mean something more for your health? As we grow older, we start to notice aches and cramps where there were none before. However, there are times when it’s best to err on the side of caution and see a pain doctor in Jacksonville, FL, about your concerns. Here are some early warning signs that may indicate arthritis:
Pain/stiffness interfering with your daily routine. As a general rule of thumb, any difference in your body’s condition or function that stops you from pursuing everyday activities calls for a doctor visit. If you’re unable to get around or use your hands as easily as you once did, you should schedule a doctor visit.
Persistent joint swelling. Swollen joints are common signs of arthritis, but they can also mean other things for your health. Many people overexert themselves without realizing and feel the results of that exertion the next day. If your joints are frequently swollen and stiff, though, you may need to see a specialist.
Family history of arthritis. Many health problems can be prevented or at least delayed with help from a specialist. Preventative measures, such as regular exercise, a healthier diet, and even certain medications can help mitigate the effects of arthritis if you have a family history.
For comprehensive arthritis treatment, call Florida Coast Pain and Spine Center at 904.449.7246.