Posts made in August 2022

Does Smoking Contribute to Migraine Pain?

Until recently, little was known about the relationship between smoking and migraines. While science had confirmed that smoking posed several health concerns, some still believed the habit might be beneficial for migraine sufferers. However, modern research indicates that tobacco use is anything but beneficial for most people. If you’re a smoker undergoing migraine treatment in North Florida, here is what you should know about the latest research.


Migraine Sufferers Are More Likely to Smoke: A study in Spain found that of the people surveyed, 20% of non-migraine sufferers smoked compared to 29% of migraine sufferers. Likewise, a study in Detroit uncovered that 33% of migraine sufferers used tobacco. Furthermore, the number of cigarettes smoked per day correlated with the frequency of their migraines.


Smokers Experience More Intense Headaches: A study conducted at a headache pain management clinic found that headache intensity was higher for smokers than non-smokers. Their data suggested that smoking was detrimental to the treatment program as well, meaning smoking patients saw less effective results.


Quitting Probably Won’t Cure You—But It Could Help: Chronic migraines are complex. While it would be nice to have a simple answer like “Just quit,” current research shows that smoking doesn’t necessarily cause migraines. However, the habit does seem to contribute to their frequency and intensity. Plus, smoking is detrimental to other aspects of your health. If you quit, you will likely find that you feel healthier overall and that your migraine treatments are more successful.

How to Manage Your Chronic Pain with Yoga

Millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain, and not all can—or want to—rely solely on medication for relief. When you’re looking for drug-free chronic pain relief in Orange Park, FL, consider trying yoga. While it may seem counterintuitive to do any kind of exercise when you’re sore, gentle movements and stretching will reduce stiffness and increase circulation. Plus, strengthening your muscles allows your body to be better supported and less prone to injury.


Yoga is an excellent way to get the low-impact exercise you need. It comes in many forms and can be easily adapted to suit your goals and challenges. Plus, you can do it anytime and anywhere with little to no equipment. Furthermore, yoga promotes better mental and emotional well-being, which may help with chronic pain relief.


Getting Started


Before attempting yoga as part of your pain management plan, you should talk to a doctor. They can help you understand what kind of exercises are safe for you. You may also want to seek advice from an experienced yoga instructor to tailor a program for your needs.


It’s best to start with the absolute basics and do them regularly. Even a simple routine yields effective results if done well and often. If you’re unable to sit on the floor or stand for long, you can research yoga exercises that can be done seated in a chair. Don’t advance to any new techniques until you’re confident in the fundamentals.