Posts made in November 2022

What Is the Most Common Cause of Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, so everyone should understand its causes regardless of whether they are currently suffering from it. Due to our experience providing back pain treatment in Orange Park, FL, we’ve observed that one of the most common cases is muscle or ligament strain. Some patients strain these back muscles and spinal ligaments with a sudden, awkward movement, such as while falling. Other people’s strain is due to repeated motions, especially heavy lifting.


However, strain is only one potential cause. Other people come to our pain clinic due to other common issues, such as:


Bulging or Ruptured Disks: Your disks act as cushions between your spine’s bones. When they bulge or rupture, they might press on nerves and cause pain ranging from irritating to debilitating.


Arthritis: Your lower back has joints, so it too can suffer from arthritis. Some patients seek back pain treatment due to arthritis narrowing the space around their spinal cord. Others are suffering from different arthritis-related conditions.


Osteoporosis: Vertebrae are bones, so they can become porous and brittle in patients with osteoporosis. If you suffer a fracture or break, you may find yourself at a pain clinic for lower back pain relief.


What Is Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is something nearly everyone experiences eventually. In fact, it is one of the top causes of missed work in the United States. However, many people don’t know much about this common issue or how to deal with it. Read on to find out the basics of low back pain treatment in Orange Park, FL.


Your low back begins below the ribcage; this area is also called the lumbar region, named after the five lumbar vertebrae. While your low back is sturdy and resilient, it is also subjected to a constant heavy load and frequent stress. Low back pain may be the result of a repetitive motion injury, poor lifting techniques or sitting posture, or a sports or auto accident injury, among other things. It might feel like a dull ache, a stabbing or shooting sensation, or something else.


Acute vs. Chronic Low Back Pain

No matter what caused it, you should seek back pain treatment if the pain does not resolve in 72 hours and inhibits your daily life. Your treatment plan will depend on the nature of your injury and whether you are experiencing acute or chronic pain. Low back pain that comes on suddenly is “acute,” and it tends to be impermanent. If your pain lasts more than three months, it is “chronic.” Regardless of what you’re experiencing, a pain management physician can help you achieve relief and improve your quality of life.