Posts made in June 2020

smiling senior man

Tips for Living with Neuropathy

Life with neuropathy can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be unfulfilling. Many people manage their symptoms well enough that there is little to no interference with their daily activities. The following are some simple tips you can utilize alongside undergoing neuropathy treatment in Jacksonville, FL.

Eat Well: Good nutrition can yield improvements for nearly any medical condition, and neuropathy is no different.  Reduce your fat intake while increasing the amount of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in your diet. Drink alcohol only in moderation.

Follow an Exercise Routine: While you’ll need to avoid any activities that cause pain, a healthy exercise routine is crucial for neuropathy treatment. Talk to your doctor to determine the best ways for you to get moving without aggravating your condition.

Set Priorities: When chronic pain is sapping your energy, it’s challenging to get even basic chore and errands accomplished. That’s why it’s important to plan ahead and set priorities for your tasks. Determine what must be done immediately, what can wait until later, and what can be delegated to someone else.

Embrace Massage: Many people with neuropathy swear by the therapeutic benefits of massage. It’s natural and noninvasive, and it helps with both increasing circulation and relieving pain. Even amateur and self-massage can be helpful for neuropathy treatment.

Man With Back Pain

Types of Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain is a common ailment, limiting the everyday activities of around 8 percent of all American adults, according to the Health Policy Institute of Georgetown University. But what causes these problems? Our back doctors in Jacksonville, FL, work with patients facing the following types of back issues:

Spinal Arthritis: Arthritis can gradually thin out your spine’s cartilage. Without this tissue cushioning your spine, over time your range of motion becomes restricted, and movement becomes painful.

Spinal Stenosis: When you have spinal stenosis, your spinal canal narrows and can create painful pressure on your nerves. While this narrowing may occur anywhere in the spine, it’s most common in the lower back,

Disc Problems: Herniated or bulging discs can be difficult to correct and often cause serious pain. While conservative, noninvasive treatments are available, your back doctors may recommend surgery if your condition is severe.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A chronic muscular pain disorder, myofascial pain syndrome is a condition in which putting pressure on certain trigger points causes pain in seemingly unrelated body parts.

Injuries: While an age-related issue most often causes chronic back pain, it’s common for injured people to suffer long after the wound heals. It’s important to seek out treatment early to decrease the risk of an injury healing poorly and creating problems for the rest of your life.

Male Patient Being Reassured By Doctor In Hospital Room

The Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid for Osteoarthritis Patients

People living with osteoarthritis become all too familiar with joint pain and stiffness. Part of why these symptoms occur is that a naturally occurring lubricant called hyaluronic acid breaks down due to osteoarthritic, making joint movement more difficult and more painful. When you’re suffering due to a lack of healthy hyaluronic acid, you may find relief by getting gel injections. Continue reading to learn more about this arthritis treatment in Jacksonville, FL.

A Series of Injections for Lasting Relief

Gel injections, more formally known as hyaluronic acid or HA injections, replace the lubricant your joints are missing. Once a week for three to five weeks, you’ll receive a shot directly into your knee, shoulders, or hip. After the series is complete, many patients experience relief from their usual pain and stiffness for up to six months – and some report it lasts for a year.

It’s a safe arthritis treatment with few side effects. However, it doesn’t work for everyone. Gel injections are not as effective for patients with advanced osteoarthritis. Furthermore, you won’t be able to do any hard weight-bearing activities for a couple of days after each injection. Talk to your doctor to explore whether these injections are a good possibility for you.

Doctor Patient Consultation

Arthritis Dos and Don’ts

Arthritis may cause you to reduce physical activity. However, even though it is difficult, there are many ways you can help yourself cope with joint pain. Arthritis treatment is pretty simple if done consistently, and at your own pace. For example, physical activity is vital to maintain movement and flexibility in your joints. Even though it can be painful, stopping movement altogether is detrimental.

Eating well is also a vital step in arthritis treatment. By having a healthy, balanced diet, you minimize your chances of eating inflammatory foods. This can be tricky as foods affect each person differently; consult your doctor about any changes you’ve noticed (both positive and negative). Maybe get a referral to a nutritionist that can steer you in the right direction.

Arthritis treatment, outside of medication, can also include things we have a little more control of. Not having a proper sleeping cycle or living with high stress can negatively affect your arthritis. Disrupted sleep can cause flare-ups and inflammation in the joints. Although sometimes it’s difficult to have an uninterrupted sleep with the pain your joints may be experiencing, consulting with a physician to help you with the pain is a viable option. It’s good to see a doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your joint pain. For stress relief, find ways to simplify and organize your life. The less fuss in the simple things, the less there is to worry about. Talk with family and friends to socialize, or if your stress is chronic, seek a therapist.Arthritis may cause you to reduce physical activity. However, even though it is difficult, there are many ways you can help yourself cope with joint pain.

man in a hospital bed

How To Prepare For Kyphoplasty

Back pain can be extremely taxing; your back supports most of your bodily functions, and pain in this area can take a toll on your normal life. Kyphoplasty is a minor invasive surgery used to restore the height in your vertebrate and stabilizing a fracture. Kyphoplasty in Jacksonville, FL, is easy to access and can create a monumental difference in your spinal health and help you jump back into your life. First, however, you must know how to prepare for this minor surgery.

Alcohol and tobacco, in particular, play a significant role in your bone health. Smoking can hinder your bones’ ability to heal after the surgery. Blood thinners or anti-steroidal medications need to be stopped about a week before the surgery as well. They can pose a larger threat to the surgery itself; blood thinners could worsen the bleeding, and other medications could also not react well with anesthesia. The patient must usually fast for 6 hours before the Kyphoplasty.

After the procedure, a patient should typically arrange a ride home. Many patients feel immediate relief of back pain after the surgery, and some after two days. You should wait more than six weeks before doing any strenuous movements or activities involving your back. Take it easy and let yourself heal. Since it is a minor surgery, patients can usually go home a few hours after surgery and scheduled for a follow up about a week later. Make an appointment with a doctor today to find out more about Kyphoplasty.

Doctor Reviewing Results with Patient

Peripheral/Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment in Jacksonville, FL

Chronic pain can leave you feeling breathless and make your daily life very difficult. When looking at peripheral neuropathy, your limbs are likely in constant pain, feel tingly, or experiencing episodes of numbness. Symptoms can vary in severity, and it’s essential to pay attention to them so that they can be diagnosed and treated. Our clinic can help give you neuropathy treatment in Jacksonville, FL. We are specialized in chronic bodily pain and giving you several options for treatment.

Your peripheral nerves are responsible for sending out signals directly from the central nervous system, which stems from your brain and spinal cord. The nerves in your body are susceptible to illness or external trauma; it can affect how well your nervous system can properly communicate the sense of feeling to your body parts.

There is a list of possible causes for peripheral neuropathy. Some of the causes of neuropathy are injury, infection, metabolic problems, exposure to toxins, or inherited diseases. Our neuropathy treatment is commonly required for patients with diabetes. Being exposed to high levels of glucose for an extended period can give a person peripheral neuropathy. An acronym for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy is DPN.

Despite the difficulties of this condition, there are always options for neuropathy treatment. Some of these include surgery, physical therapy, and injections for increased nerve pressure. However, there are over the counter solutions when trying to deal with more minor levels of pain. We do encourage anyone who believes they are experiencing these symptoms to consult a doctor to identify the best possible solution.


What is sciatica?

Sciatica refers to back pain caused by trouble with the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that runs down the back of each leg, starting from the lower back. If something injures or puts pressure on this nerve, it can cause pain in the lower back that then spreads to the hip, buttocks, and leg. Fortunately, up to 90% of people can recover from without surgery, with the help of clinics and centers offering sciatica treatment in Jacksonville, FL.

Symptoms of sciatica can often appear suddenly and can last for days or even weeks. The most common sciatica symptom is lower back pain that extends downwards into the leg, and the most common cause is a herniated disk. Disks act like cushions between the vertebrae in our spines and can become weaker as we age. Nearly 1 in 50 people will get a herniated disk at some point in life.

  • Other causes of sciatica are:
  • Spinal Stenosis – Natural wear and tear of the vertebrae
  • Spinal Tumors – Tumors growing inside or along the spinal cord or sciatic nerve
  • Piriformis Syndrome – The piriformis muscle can spasm
  • Sacroiliitis – Inflammation of one or both of the sacroiliac joints (found where the lower spine connects to the pelvis)
  • Injury or Infection – Muscle inflammation, infections, or injuries such as fractures

Remember, seeking sciatica treatment at a pain management and spine center can relieve your agony and help you get back on your feet.