Posts made in January 2021

smiling woman

Tips for Proactive Migraine Management

People that have never had a migraine cannot understand how this type of headache can incapacitate you. The pain can keep you locked in your bedroom with the shades drawn for hours or days. Yet, there are ways you can take back your life with healthy habits and migraine treatment in Jacksonville, FL, from a qualified pain physician.

Here’s what you can do to improve your health and decrease suffering:

Put Healthy Habits into Practice
Choose food such as lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Eat your meals on a regular schedule, so you aren’t starved one day and stuffed the next.

Drink lots of water.

Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, including on the weekend.
Exercise. Experts recommend doing 150 minutes per week.

Take time to relax every day.

Work with Your Doctor

Pay attention to what’s happening in your life. Are you sleeping? Feeling depressed? Experiencing other pain? Make a note of problems in a journal and talk to your physician about these. They may offer insight into your migraines or another health concern.

Know When to Take Your Medication

There is such a thing as a headache from medication overuse. Ask your doctor to help you distinguish when to take and delay that pill for effective migraine treatment in Jacksonville, FL.

friends celebrating New Year’s

Finding Relief from Chronic Pain — Your New Year’s Resolution

Make it your New Year’s resolution to seek help for the chronic pain you’re experiencing. It’s challenging to live your best life when pain is persistent, ever-present, or overwhelming.

Maybe, you worry that no one can help you or believe you when you tell them about your pain. Perhaps, people have scoffed at you and dismissed your experience. Or, you may worry that surgery is your only option for pain management in Orange Park, FL.

The good news is help is available with a multitude of options. And there are physicians with the knowledge and skill to work with you to relieve your suffering.

Exploring Treatment Options

Seek out a pain physician to work with you. Pain management in Orange Park, FL, is their medical specialty. The first task is to determine the origin of your pain. Once doctors have established the cause, they can look at treatment options.

These can vary significantly from treatments that include steroid injections to stem cell regeneration to planting devices in your body to interfere with pain signals or to administer medicine. Surgery may be an option, but first, doctors consider other treatments. The goal is to reduce the pain that impacts your quality of life.