joint pain

How to Stand Up to Inflammatory Arthritis

There are many different types of inflammatory arthritis with varying effects on sufferers ranging from pain and swelling to warmth and stiffness. This condition can strike at any time, but it often hits individuals in the prime of life.


The most common forms of inflammatory arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. Other forms can strike without impacting joints, and there are types that impact multiple joints. Whichever type you find yourself facing, arthritis treatment in Jacksonville, FL, is available, and it can be very effective in helping deal with the symptoms.


There are many different types of inflammatory arthritis with varying effects on sufferers ranging from pain and swelling to warmth and stiffness. This condition can strike at any time, but it often hits individuals in the prime of life.

The most common forms of inflammatory arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. Other forms can strike without impacting joints, and there are types that impact multiple joints. Whichever type you find yourself facing, arthritis treatment in Jacksonville, FL, is available, and it can be very effective in helping deal with the symptoms.

The team at Florida Coast Pain and Spine Center has assembled some helpful tips for dealing with this condition.

At the top of any list that purports to provide advice for dealing with a health issue are always three common factors: rest, exercise, and diet. We will echo those here because they provide a solid foundation of health for everyone of any age. Get plenty of rest and sleep. Exercise regularly for strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health, and finally eat a nutritious and balanced diet.

Take prescribed medications and follow the recommendations exactly.

Protect your joints during daily activities to lessen the strain on your joints and decrease the risk of injury.

Lower your stress level. This goes a long way toward easing some symptoms and helping you feel better overall.

Recognize when you reach your physical limitations and ask for help. There’s no shame in this. Instead, it shows intelligence and common sense.