man with broken leg

What you Should Know about Nociceptive Pain

Pain can take many different forms, affecting different parts of the body. The six main types of pain are nociceptive, visceral, neuropathic, psychogenic, and idiopathic. You feel nociceptive pain in your soft tissues through sensory nerves called nociceptors. Examples of this type of pain include arthritis, fibromyalgia, and headaches.

The Two Types of Nociceptive Pain

Nociceptive pain encompasses two other types of pain: somatic and visceral.

  • Somatic Pain – This type of pain is felt in the skin, muscles, and soft tissues. Tension headaches, arthritis, and back pain not caused by nerve damage are all examples of somatic pain. Somatic pain is easy to locate because there are many sensory nerves found in these tissues. You will feel pain the place it originated.
  • Visceral Pain – This type of pain involves your internal organs. Endometriosis and IBS are both conditions involving visceral There are fewer sensory nerves located in your organs, so it can be hard to pinpoint the origin or visceral pain. You may feel this type of pain outside of where it started.

Causes of Nociceptive Pain

This type of pain is caused by inflammation, physical pressure, or injury. Nociceptive pain can become chronic as the result of a prolonged or slow-healing injury, which can make nerves more sensitive. Prolonged inflammation-related nociceptive pain is seen in conditions like fibromyalgia, headaches, and arthritis.


Depending on the cause of your nociceptive pain, your treatment will be different. When you make an appointment with the experienced doctors at Florida Coast Pain and Spine Center, they can diagnose the cause of your pain and create a multi-faceted treatment plan for you. For effective chronic pain treatment in Jacksonville, FL, call our office at 904.449.7246 or schedule an appointment online.