Posts made in February 2023

Efficient Techniques for Minimizing Work-Related Pain while Working from Home

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people found themselves working from home. While working from home has been a great experience for most people, some realized there are a few drawbacks—especially when dealing with chronic pain. Some of the ways our pain management clinic in St. Augustine, FL, has noticed that the pandemic has increased pain problems include:


Emotionally Drained – Let’s face it; it has been a pretty stressful couple of years. This unrelenting stress has increased mental health problems across the board, which can only further agitate any chronic pain you might be experiencing.


Weight Gain – Studies have shown that the average person gained about two pounds per month during the height of the pandemic. Even small bumps in body weight can significantly increase mechanical forces on parts of the body that can experience chronic pain, including the spine, hips, and knees.


Less Active – How did people gain so much weight during the pandemic? Well, the main issue is that people were far less active. Even simply removing the daily task of walking to your car, driving to work, walking around the office, and driving home has severely reduced the amount of daily activity. Exercise has proven to be one of the best tools when fighting chronic pain, and if you aren’t moving around as much, your issues might become more severe.

Now that we have looked at how the pandemic—and working from home—has negatively impacted us, it is time to look at some of the steps you can take to work through your pain and improve your new lifestyle. Some of these next steps include:

Ease Into It – If you find yourself letting all of your exercise and activity fall to the wayside, it is important to get back into action. But it is also important not to expect your body to be still at the level of performance it was before you stopped working out. Pare back your former exercise program or activity regimen so you can build back up your strength and endurance. This will help minimize the pain flare-ups that could slow your progress.

Ask for Help – Making a change in your life can be difficult, but there are people who can help. Try reaching out to a local pain clinic for guidance on alleviating your pain and making the best of your current work-from-home situation.

Baby Steps – Remember that it was the tortoise that won the race against the hare. While you might think you must rush back into your old life, that isn’t the case. Instead, go slow and steady to build up your mental and physical comfort levels so that you can make it to the finish line and win the race instead of exhausting yourself too early on.

Four Free Ways to Relieve Back Pain

While nothing quite beats going to a professional for back pain treatment in Orange Park, FL, when you are dealing with intense back pain issues, that doesn’t mean there is nothing you can do on your own to help alleviate the problem. Here are four free ways to help you relieve back pain between visits to your pain management specialist.

Sleep Better – Sleeping can be hard when you have back pain. This lack of sleep can then make your pain feel even worse, creating a vicious cycle that is hard to break. To make sleeping more comfortable for you—and your back—we recommend lying on your side when you go to bed with a pillow between your knees to keep your spine in a neutral position. This helps to relieve some of the strain on your back.

Good Posture – It turns out that your mother was right all along—slouching is, in fact, bad for you. If you have poor posture, it can make your back pain worse. This is especially true if you also find yourself sitting for long periods. Make sure you sit upright, don’t slump, with your shoulders relaxed and your body supported against the back of your chair. Also, try putting a rolled towel or a pillow between your lower back and your seat, and always keep your feet flat on the floor.

Don’t Rest an Achy Back – In the past, doctors would likely prescribe some bed rest for back pain, but now we know that is one of the worst things you can do. If your back pain is bad, try not to rest for more than a day or two before you start moving again. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to quickly relieve back pain, mainly walking, swimming, and yoga.

Ice & Heat – Apply ice to the painful areas of your back to help reduce inflammation and pain. Try doing this several times a day for up to 20 minutes each time. After a few days, apply a heating pad or warm pack to help increase blood flow to the affected area and relax your muscles.