Posts made in May 2021


Is Your Caffeine Habit Triggering Your Migraines?

Although most people enjoy having a daily mug or two of coffee, it’s still a mystery whether our cup of Joe impacts those of us that have migraines. Caffeine is still considered quite the elusive culprit for migraine prevention. Some people choose to avoid it altogether, while others aren’t quite ready to get rid of it. That’s why, when you need some expert advice for migraine treatment in Jacksonville, FL, then the Florida Pain Physicians can help!

While experts are still researching to figure out the link between caffeine and migraines, the answer is still unclear. Instead, emerging research suggests that caffeine is not a migraine trigger if consumed in moderation. On the flip side, excess caffeine consumption may trigger a migraine attack. But what does this mean for your migraine treatment? It depends entirely on your case, and getting an expert opinion will undoubtedly help you figure out whether your coffee is triggering your migraines.

You can rely on the Florida Pain Physicians to steer you in the right direction, which is why you should contact them if you have any questions. They have clinics in Orange Park and St. Augustine, FL, so you have the option to choose which clinic is closest to you.



The Link Between Smell Sensitivity and Migraines

The mystery behind migraines is an ongoing puzzle, with many physicians learning more and more about their triggers. Each person may have similar symptoms, but my work for one person might not always work for another. Among these several points is the possibility of there being a connection between scents and migraines. In order to know for sure, visit your closest Florida Pain Physicians clinic to learn more about which migraine treatment in Jacksonville, FL, works best for you.

Common Odor Triggers

Odors play a role in triggering migraines, and in most cases, patients experience osmophobia (increased sensitivity to and intolerance to smells) during an episode. Generally, chemical fumes such as cleaners and gasoline are the most common scents to induce a migraine attack. Other odor triggers include:

  • Pesticides
  • Perfume
  • Nail Polish
  • Cigarette Smoke
  • Cleaning Products
  • Asphalt
  • Carpeting
  • Paint or Paint Thinners
  • Detergents
  • Leather

Avoidance and awareness are vital in preventing these triggers as much as possible, but getting the proper migraine treatment will help you better manage a migraine episode. With the help of a physician, you’ll set up a plan to help you find the best solution that works for you.  Contact the Florida Pain Physicians to schedule an appointment.

arthritis in a hand

Know the Signs of Reactive Arthritis

Most of us reach an age where our joints begin to cause us pain, and when this happens, it’s a telltale sign of arthritis potentially developing. One of the more uncommon arthritis afflictions is Reactive Arthritis, which generally targets the leg and foot joints. This can be caused by an infection in other body parts such as your intestines, genitals, or urinary tract. When this pain starts to hinder your everyday life and routine, it’s time to get it checked by a professional. That’s why you can rely on the Florida Pain Physicians pain clinic in Orange Park, FL.

Due to the pain coming and going in and eventually leaving in about 12 months, it might be tempting to put off a visit to a pain clinic. If you’re not sure whether you’re experiencing reactive arthritis, consider the following symptoms:

  • Pain and Stiffness
  • Eye Inflammation
  • Urinary Problems
  • Inflammation of Soft Tissue
  • Swollen Toes or Fingers
  • Skin Problems
  • Low Back Pain

It’s crucial to get checked, especially if you start experiencing inflammation that affects your eyes, skin, and urethra. Visiting a pain clinic is a worthwhile trip to get the help you need so that you can regain control of your life once again. Contact the Florida Pain Physicians for more information. You can also find their clinics in Jacksonville, and St. Augustine, FL.

facial pain

When to See a Doctor for Chronic Facial Pain

Pain anywhere in your body is usually symptomatic of a problem, including pain in your face. The issue could be minor or major, but you should see a doctor to determine what they think. While your doctor may be able to diagnose the source of the pain during your visit, they may order diagnostic tests for added assurance. Many doctors use the diagnostic approach to offer patients with effective pain management in Orange Park, FL.

Irritated nerves cause facial pain, so physicians sometimes send patients to have X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans to identify problem areas. Additionally, the results of a nerve conduction test can offer your doctor a clear idea about your facial nerves’ functionality.

Pain Relief at Home

You may be able to handle pain management at your home if it is not severe. Depending on the pain’s location, an ice pack may reduce it, and you can also take consumer painkillers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Some people get facial pain relief by elevating their heads, which relieves pressure on associated nerves.

If self-help and complementary therapies do not work, rely on Florida Pain Physicians’ team for help. Our staff serves patients at locations throughout Northeast Florida. We will work to find your facial pain’s cause and customize treatment to alleviate it.


Are You Genetically Predisposed to Migraines?

Migraine sufferers will tell you that a headache is not always a simple headache. The neurological condition is often debilitating because of the pain and other symptoms patients experience. Unlike typical headaches caused by stress, hunger, or other factors, genetics may play a part in migraines. Even so, you can get relief with the right migraine treatment in Jacksonville, FL.

If you have migraines, your doctor may have already told you that they sometimes run in families. If one of your parents has migraines, you have at least a 50-percent chance of also developing them. The percentage goes up if both mom and dad are migraine sufferers. However, the information available suggests that you may not have migraines if your twin or other sibling has them. Unfortunately, people that appear to inherit the genetic tendencies for migraines experience more severe symptoms than other patients.

Researchers have so far connected genes that cause migraines to blood vessel function, brain neurotransmitters, hormones, and more. Although the research suggests a connection between lineage and migraines, the studies are inconclusive and continue. The doctors and staff at Florida Pain Physicians can customize care and migraine treatment according to your needs.

doctor speaking with patient

What to Expect When Your Doctor Prescribes Epidural Steroid Injections

The causes of differerent types of chronic, persistent pain can be an enigma for  physicians to pinpoint and severe back pain is no exception. When you’ve tried every possible avenue of treatment for chronic back pain and nothing works, your doctor might prescribe an alternative treatment for pain management in Jacksonville, FL, such as epidural steroid injections.

What is an Epidural Steroid Injections

It’s a shot of cortisone injected into the outermost section of the spinal column. Cortisone is a type of steroid that occurs naturally in the brain, and it suppresses the immune system, dims inflammation, and can reduce the perception of pain. Unfortunately, this natural cycle of pain management is short-lived; that’s why getting injected artificially will last much longer and is an option for those suffering from chronic back pain.

Prep & Recovery

If you’re planning on getting this procedure done, there are a few things you should take into account about the preparation, process, and recovery. First, your doctor will ask about your medical history, current medications, allergies, and potential risks associated with injections. During the actual procedure, you’ll be on an x-ray table, the injection site will be cleaned, but you will likely experience some discomfort. Lastly, for the recovery, you should start to feel relief in about two to five days after the procedure. If you feel no change after seven days, your physician will check for other sources of pain.

Contact the Florida Pain Physicians for the best pain management options.

man speaking to doctor

Signs You Should Get Neuropathy Treatment in Jacksonville, FL

Sometimes we feel pain in seemingly random bursts and different parts of our body; pain can cover a large or small area, but in no way is pain pleasant and even more confusing is that some people suffer from chronic pains that appear out of the blue. This could be a symptom of peripheral neuropathy or nerve pain. Consulting a professional at clinics like Florida Pain Physicians can help give you neuropathy treatment in Jacksonville, FL, and take steps to help give you relief.

12 Potential Neuropathy Symptoms

The first step to getting treatment is to recognize the symptoms that could be pointing to potential neuropathy. Here are 12 signs to watch for:



  1. Extreme Sensitivity to Touch
  2. Numbness and Tingling (Typically in Hands and Feet)—It’s a Challenge to Pick Things Up or Walk
  3. Stabbing or Burning Pain


  1. Loss of Balance
  2. Muscle Weakness
  3. Muscle Cramps


  1. Excessive Sweating
  2. Shortness of Breath
  3. Dizziness
  4. Lack of Bladder Control
  5. Trouble Seeing
  6. Digestive Problems (Constipation, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Trouble Swallowing)

Looking into neuropathy treatment if you’re concerned about any of these potential signs. It’s always best to be safe than sorry, and some quick testing can give you the peace of mind you deserve. Check the various locations of Florida Pain Physicians to plan your trip.